Tuesday, May 18, 2010

How can my friend be original and show his g/f how much she means to him?

He goes to the Air Force Academy and my friend, his g/f is stressing out b/c she too plans to go there and it's application time. So, it's been rocky and he just wants a creative way to tell her, " Your my world" etc., candies, flowers, through mail delivery etc. won't work, I already tried.

How can my friend be original and show his g/f how much she means to him?
he should ask her to go somwhere simple with him, like to the grocery store to get some bread, and instead take her to a beautiful forest clearing or lake or pond, or somewhere beautiful, and give her a letter that details what he feels for her. and a necklace with a heart on it. real silver. he should have her favorite food in the backseat of car that he prepared. theres an idea
Reply:it may be silly but i have always liked the 100 signs for $100 idea eventually with that many signs around out side if the base she has to see one of them evetually...
Reply:Your friend should speak from his heart and show her how he feels. He should hug her and tell her how much she means. All it takes it really putting your heart out there and expressing you feelings openly.
Reply:Just have him tell her,what he feels. Hey you mean the world to me, I dont know what I would do without you etc. Being origional is not the point, the point is to tell her the truth.
Reply:They need to communicate with each other.Be up front and honest. Beating around the bush is not going to work.I don't understand why she is stressing out if their going to the same place.
Reply:sounds like she wants to put the brakes on the situation. i'm not sure i would mess with it at all.
Reply:Anyone can buy stuff for someone else. Just be there for her and listen to her. It takes time to prove that kind of thing to someone. If she's willing to go to the same school, what is there really to prove in the first place?
Reply:maybe rent a hot air balloon.. tell her that he wants to show her the world from a different point of view.... because that is what she means to him

If she doesn't already get it... she's not worth his grief
Reply:I go forjust being yourself but if he really wants her then tell him he should make something. Women love that as long as its home made it will work on me
Reply:how can we tell your friend how to be original. that kinda defeats the purpose dont it

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